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double strand break中文是什么意思

用"double strand break"造句"double strand break"怎么读"double strand break" in a sentence


  • 双链断裂


  • Dna double stranded breaks , dsbs
  • In this experiment , dna double strand breaks induced by heavy ions in the early period were investigated with atomic force microscopy ( afm )
    本实验旨在用原子力显微镜( afm )研究重离子辐射后早期的dna双链断裂。
  • This organism can repair at least 150 double strand breaks of each chromosome induced by ionizing radiation without lethality or mutagenesis within several hours
  • The dna double strand break ( dsb ) can be rejoined by at least two discrete pathways , i . e . , the homologous recombination and the nonhomologous end - joining . at least 10 genes were found involved in nhej
    Rad18是一种单链dna结合蛋白,具有许多泛素系统e3所有的典型ring结构,与rad6 ( ubc2 )形成结合紧密的异二聚体。
  • The damage of dna is the most basic and important sector in this process . meanwhile , the double strand breaks ( dsb ) of dna molecule is the primary damage of all biological effectiveness induced by ionizing radiation
    Dna的辐射损伤是其中最基本和最关键的一环,而dna的双链断裂( dsb )又是辐射引起的各种生物学效应中最重要的原初损伤。
  • 3 . dna double strand breaks ( dsbs ) induced by ion beams of gel electrophoresis experiment has shown positive linear with dose , i . e . , double strand breaks will increase as the dose increased
    分子生物学技术? ?电泳技术分析结果表明,离子辐射造成的dna双链断裂( dsb )与粒子剂量呈线性正相关关系,即随着粒子剂量值增大, dsb量也逐渐上升。
  • By means of the afm made in shanghai aijian co . , ltd . and digital instruments co . , ltd ( u . s . ) , the dna strand and their fragments were observed successfully . 2 . by comparison with afm experiments of three categories of ion beams , the result has been observed in qualitatively : in the uniform dose , the higher let heavy ions have caused more double strand breaks than the lower let radiation
    通过afm对实验结果的观测,可以定性地得知:在同等剂量条件下,高let值的重粒子与低let的射线相比, dna双链断裂的数目要多一些;在相同let条件下,随剂量增加dsb的片段变短、数量增加。
  • Numerous lesions that include sugar alteration , base damage , and single - and double - strand breaks together with dna - dna crosslinks have been identified in irradiated dna . dna double strand breaks ( dsbs ) are considered as the most important initial damage of all biological effects induced by ionizing radiation
    电离辐射可引起dna多种类型的损伤,如碱基损伤、糖基损伤、单链和双链断裂以及dna交联等,其中双链断裂( dsb )是辐射所致生物效应中最重要的原初损伤。
  • Recently , a new gene dr0167 ( pprl or irre ) that serves as a general switch for downstream dna repair and protection pathways via its regulatory function on the gene expression of reca , ppra was discoveried . expression of d . radiodurans pprl also promotes dna repair and protection pathways and enhances the radioresistance of e . coli . this finding provides a new clue to understand the mechanism of dna repair , especially double strand break ( dsb ) repair
    最近我们实验室在耐辐射球菌电离辐射敏感株中鉴定了一个与电离辐射抗性相关的基因ppri ,该基因可能通过调控dr细菌reca 、 ppra等基因的表达加速对电离辐射引起的dna损伤修复,而在大肠杆菌中表达ppri基因能促进reca 、 soda等表达水平显著提高,使其抗辐射和抗氧化能力明显增强,这将为我们理解其特殊抗性机制,特别是双链断裂修复提供新的线索。
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